
Review – Surrounding The Void

Jakub Milszewski

W piątek wyszedłeś z roboty trzaskając drzwiami. Znów pokłóciłeś się z wkurwiającym szefem, znów stwierdziłeś, że marnujesz sobie życie pracując w tej firmie, znów postanowiłeś jak najszybciej znaleźć coś nowego i lepszego, żeby pokazać temu debilowi szefowi na co cię stać, znów uświadomiłeś sobie, że przecież nie znajdziesz. Weekend spędziłeś potem niby neutralnie, ale nie odpocząłeś, nie przewietrzyłeś głowy. Musiałeś pojechać do rodziców albo teściów, lawirować podczas rozmów, żeby znów nie wdać się w kretyńską kłótnię o tym, że nie chodzisz do kościoła, masz nowy tatuaż, nie masz dzieci albo masz ich za dużo, o politykę, skoki narciarskie czy inne mało ważne gówno. W domu musiałeś zrobić parę małych napraw, do tego zakupy, kilka spraw na mieście. Z żoną na dobrą sprawę widziałeś się przez chwilę wieczorem, kiedy oboje padliście styrani na łóżko i zasnęliście po trzech minutach. A kiedy się obudziłeś był już poniedziałek. Za oknami chujnia zwana w Polsce „połową lutego”. Kiedy pomyślałeś, że musisz wrócić do roboty i ciągnąć przez 8 godzin to, co skończyłeś w piątek, trafił cię szlag, ale z drugiej strony kredyt się sam nie spłaci, twoi starzy nie głosowali na PiS, więc nie siedzą w radach nadzorczych spółek i nie srają kasą, podobnie jak ty. Więc zakładasz znów te brudne buty i idziesz. Autobus do roboty ci spierdolił, wiesz, że się spóźnisz i twój skretyniały szef znów będzie jęczał. „Chuj, nie życie” – myślisz, kiedy siedzisz zrezygnowany na przystanku i od niechcenia przerzucasz na Spotify kolejne kapele żeby znaleźć coś, czego nie słyszałeś już milion razy pod różnymi nazwami albo chociaż coś, co cię przynajmniej w jakimś procencie postawi na nogi i sprawi, że przez chwilę nie będzie ci się wydawało, że twoje trzydziestoletnie życie jest w strzępach.

Trafiasz na Palmer. Odpalasz pierwszy na płycie Surrounding the Void numer Home Is Where I Lead You i już wiesz, że poniedziałek wcale nie będzie lepszy od piątku, ale przynajmniej nie jesteś w swojej beznadziei sam.

Szwajcarski kwartet Palmer atakuje od pierwszych minut swojego nowego wydawnictwa bez litości dla zmęczonych dusz swoich słuchaczy. Surrounding the Void to smaczna mieszanka mocarnego i pełnego desperacji oraz autentycznego wkurwu sludge z post-metalowymi i progowymi reminiscencjami tu i ówdzie, które dodają do miksu nieco psychodelii i jeszcze więcej rezygnacji. Ta płyta jednocześnie pobudza i wpędza w apatię. Kiedy Palmer cichną, poruszają się w rejonach spenetrowanych przez Mastodon gdzieś w czasach Crack the Skye, ale są mniej kolorowi, mniej efekciarscy, mniej bombastyczni, za to bardziej psychodeliczni (sprawdź chociażby instrumentalny Artein). Kiedy ryczą głośno, są naprawdę przekonujący. Ich sludgowo-post-metalowa to wolne, masywne akordy, posuwisty, ale wyczuwalny groove, sprawiający, że noga pod biurkiem chodzi sama. Do płyty świetnie wprowadza będący miksem obu tych twarzy zespołu numer Home Is Where I Lead You, ale lista utworów na krążku została ułożona w taki sposób, że z kawałka na kawałek szala ciężkości przechyla się na różne strony. W Misery stoimy bardziej po stronie post-metalu, Divergent przeciąga nas do doom metalu momentami kojarzącego się choćby z My Dying Bride, wspomniany Artein to niepokojąca cisza przed burzą, którą jest nieco chaotyczny Digital Individual, i tak dalej. Palmer nie stawiali sobie raczej ograniczeń – 9 kawałków na płycie trwa łącznie godzinę, czyli całkiem sporo. Dzięki temu, że poszczególne numery trwają po dobrych kilka minut (fun fact: jeśli podzielimy 60 minut trwania albumu na 9 kawałków, otrzymamy średnią 6,66 minuty na utwór), sporo się w nich dzieje. Palmer lubią i potrafią zaskakiwać w dość subtelny sposób, aby nie wyskoczyć z szerokich stylistycznych ram, więc a to riff ma bardziej djentową konstrukcję, a to pojawi się fajna solówka gitarowa, a to aranżacja upstrzona jest momentami, które teoretycznie nie powinny do siebie pasować, a to rozwrzeszczany numer staje się nagle zaskakująco cichy. Wszytko pozostaje jednak stylistycznie spójne, dlatego cały czas obracamy się w klimatach smutnego, powolniastego sludge, zahaczającego o wszystkie pokrewne gatunki.

Surrounding the Void nie przypadłaby mi jednak do gustu tak bardzo, gdyby nie unoszący się na niej klimat. Od pierwszego akordu Home Is Where I Lead You do ostatnich dźwięków wieńczącego płytę Implosion słychać tutaj beznadzieję, desperację i wściekłość tak wielką, że aż paraliżującą, powodującą apatię, zsyłającą do czarnej dziury zwanej depresją. Przez to pewnie każdego poranka, kiedy przez okna do mieszkania nie będą wpadały promienie słoneczne, będę myślał o tej płycie. Uratować mnie może tylko wiosna.

Niech cię, Palmer!


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With Love, The Underground

Review – Surrounding The Void


Meine Herren, die neue PALMER ist aber echt heavy geworden. Frag‘ nicht nach Sonnenschein. “Misery“ und “Divergent“ erinnern mich an CROWBAR, HIS HERO IS GONE und NEUROSIS. Diese Vergleiche gereichen den Schweizern natürlich zur Ehre, sind aber nicht nur Worthülsen, sondern liegen in ihrer langen Historie und Erfahrung begründet. Zwischendurch wird auch mal mit Prog-Tönen aufgelockert, was natürlich etwas überraschend kommt, den neun-Song-Brocken aber wesentlich verdaulicher macht. “Artein“ ist nämlich ein komplexes Gitarrenepos, welches Gitarrero Jan Wälchli seinen Kindern Tea und Nir gewidmet hat und gerade dieser stilistische Ausreißer bewahrt “Surrounding The Void“ davor zum “one trick pony“ zu werden und läutet das sehr abwechslungsreiche “Digital individual“ ein. Produziert hat V.O. Pulver von GURD und die Aufnahmen sind schneidig, haben ordentlich Punch, klingen aber trotzdem organisch. Insgesamt bewegt sich das dritte Album der Band tempomäßig primär im midtempo-Bereich und bietet etliche atmosphärische Passagen, die dann wieder in derbe Riffs münden. Das Artwork des Digipakreleases sieht erstklassig aus und wer auf smartes Drumming und oben genannte Bands steht, sollte sich “Surrounding The Void“ unbedingt holen.



Review – Surrounding The Void

fast sechs jahre nach ihrem letzten album legen palmer heute – endlich! – ein neues werk vor. doch was soll man sich beschweren: schon beim ersten durchhören wird klar, dass die zeit weise genutzt wurde. auch wenn man die musik stilistisch noch immer unter athmosphärisch dichtem metal mit sludge- und noiseeinflüssen einordnen kann – was komposition und songwriting, das selbstvertrauen und sicherheit im zusammenspiel, aber auch die produktion und das sounddesign angeht: die wandlung und weiterentwicklung der langenthaler band ist sowohl in der tiefe als auch in der breite beieindruckend.

gleich zu beginn fällt auf, dass der noise-anteil markant erhöht wurde. ein fast melodieloser, ans weisse rauschen grenzender gitarrenlärmteppich zieht sich durch die ersten, vor einladender aggression strotzenden minuten und ergibt mit steve dieners effektgeladener stimme einen brodelnden wirbel, der sich jedoch langsam klärt und in der mitte des tracks in einen fast ambienthaften ruheraum mündet. auch wenn dieser immer wieder vor explosiven attacken lärmerfüllten hasses erzittert und schlussendlich kollabiert, zeigt sich hier beispielhaft die gewonnene sicherheit und das vertrauen dieser band, ganz auf klang und athmosphäre zu setzen und mit subtil eingesetzten effekten ungeahnte weite zu schaffen. im kontrast zu klaustrophobisch-gequälten gitarrenparts ergeben sich dabei thrillerhafte spannungen, wie es zum beispiel bei ‚divergent‘, aber auch ‚implosion‘ aufs schönste nachzuhören ist. das ganze werk bewegt sich meist in eher düsteren, manchmal gar verzweifelten emotionalen graubereichen, sowohl textlich als auch athmosphärisch. zum glück hat man trotzdem keine angst vor ausgedehnten gitarrenparts mit zwar getragenen, jedoch warmen melodien und minutenlanger versunkenheit in psychedelisch verhallte klangwelten. so werden dem zuhörer immer wieder atempausen und vereinzelte flecken sonnenlichts gegönnt. diese können ausgedehnt und funkelnd klingen wie bei ‚artein‘, aber auch kurz und trocken eingestreut wie in ‚misery‘, wo sie das gefühl der hoffnungslosigkeit mit ihrem abrupten ende eher noch verstärken.


dass dies alles so einheitlich und aus einem guss klingt wie auf diesem album, ist eine respekteinflössende leistung und nur teilweise auf die fantastische produktion zurückzuführen, die punktgenau zwischen dem einsatz fast schon jazziger klangbrillanz, erstickender soundwälle und psychedelischer klangfarbigkeit abwägen kann. den anderen, grossen teil trägt die band mit ihrem mut zum experiment, ihrem eingeschworenen zusammenspiel und grosser erfahrung selber bei.

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Absolute Zero Media

by Clint

1.I know this not your 1st release but I think this is the 1st time hearing the Band. Give a history of how Palmer came to be?
That’s right. ‘Surrounding The Void’ is our 3rd studio album. Besides that we have released an EP and we’ve had appearances on a few compilations as well.
Before PALMER we all were playing in bands in the same local scene. Because we all share the passion for strong and progressive music we decided to form PALMER. Since then we’ve been having fun playing, writing and improving our music constantly.
2. The sounds I hear are Post Metal, Noise Rock, Sludgy Doom and Hypnotic Post Hardcore. What bands Influenced the sound of the album ” Surrounding the Void” I hear  Earth,Meshuggah, Voivod, Isis, Mouth of the Architect, Deadguy and Tragedy ?
To pick up the list of bands you just mentioned, I’d say that Meshuggah and Isis have certainly been influential to our songwriting. After all we are big fans of both bands. Both of them have outstanding live performances that are very real and dynamic, something that we definitely try to integrate into our music as well. It’s all about tension and release; building up a wall only to take it down again the next moment. This is the kind of music we love to play.
Regarding other influences I’d say that all four of us come from slightly different musical backgrounds. The metal part is certainly inherent to all of us; but Jan definitely would bring up more Jazz combos than Remo, who himself grew up in the punk rock and hardcore scene. Ueli has his foot in the ambient and electronic world and Steve loves the musical sceneries that bands like Isis and Neurosis create.
3. How did you come to work with Czar of Crickets and what are you expecting from this Partnership?
Fredy Rotter, the boss and founder of Czar of Crickets, is one of our best friends. We got to know each other about 12 years ago, playing gigs alongside Zatokrev, his main band. When we recorded our first album ‘This One Goes To Eleven’ in 2007 we were able to jump onto his newly formed label. Working together on that release was a great pleasure. For our second album ‘Momentum’ we had to look out for another label because at the time Fredy was pushing Zatrokrev hard and had to put his label on ice for the time being. So when we heard that he’d re-awoken his label, we were very happy to return home for the third album!
Working with Fredy is very rewarding. He is one of the greatest people alive, no joke! He lives and breathes music, and if he signs a new band on his label it’s because he’s totally convinced of them. We couldn’t have a better man doing the promotion for our newest release.
4. How does Live vs  Studio Palmer differ and what do you want the live audience to get from a performance?
As a band we look at Studio-recordings and Live-gigs as two different things. Both have their own qualities and challenges. That said, we do have the goal to be able to bring our Studio-work as close as possible to the stage. So whilst recording we always have the live performance in mind: how can we put this on a stage without bloating up the whole equipment setup?
5. The Album cover for ” Surrounding the Void” is abstract but I know it must play into the theme of the album? What is that theme?
That’s correct. We rather like the abstract. The bandname Palmer itself was chosen because it doesn’t reveal anything at all about what kind of music we make.
The coverart was made by Philipp Thöni, an artist from Bern. We developed the Artwork with him, based on initial ideas he sketched out for us. Because it’s abstract, it allows anyone to find a meaning and correlation to the themes on the album. Without wanting to reveal too much, I’d say that it might stand for you as an individual feeling lost in a world that’s getting more and more abstract and complicated. You feel overwhelmed by it and a feeling of helplessness or emptiness is the consequence. But there are far more things you can try and fit into the artwork.
6.  If there was one song or artist you would love to cover and make it a palmer element to it what would it be and why?
Hard to say. Let me choose the joker card!
7. If a Major metal or Indie label came your way would this be something that would interest the band or is that the best way to get lost in the shuffle?
That’s a good one. Our goal today is to make music without any compromise. Music that has an impact on us and if possible on the people who hear it. Of course hopping onto a big Label would definitely get us on the radar of far more people; but being on a small label like Czar of Crickets allows us to have all the strings in our own hands.
8. What are you thoughts on Digital media, Social Media and Internet PR in 2017 how has the indie extreme music scene changed in your opinion?
If you release an album nowadays it is more important than ever to be able to reach as many people as quick as possible. The shear amount of new releases now compared to a few years back is unbelievable. So you need to get yourself noticed. That’s where the social media comes in. Building up a ‘fan base’ takes time and is something that has to be curated.
Regarding the Digital Media I guess we as a band still stand with one foot in the ‘physical’ age, where you appreciated having an album in your hand opposed to simply downloading a single song. Especially true if the album is meant to be listened to as a whole like ‘Surrounding The Void’.
That said, I think the physical aspect won’t go away. For the first time we are also releasing an album on Vinyl because the scene of Vinyl-junkies and people who appreciate great artwork is growing constantly.
9. What bands and music are impressing the members of Palmer Currently?
Steve: I’ve been listening to a lot of Prog-Rock lately. Bands like Plini, Intervals or Sithu Aye.
Ueli: I spent a lot of time listening to Cult Of Luna lately. Bands like Nine Inch Nails, ISIS, TOOL or Rage Against The Machine have a big longtime-influence on me. I also take a lot of inspiration out of listening to other genres of music, for example some traditional bass players like Israel Crosby or Wilbur Ware.
Jan: Twelve Foot Ninja, Snarky Puppy, Rush, Meshuggah
Remo: Sumac, O`Brother, Gojira, Black Map
10.  Palmer is a mix of  Avantgarde Music, Post Metal and Jazzy Post Hardcore. Were do you see the band heading more extreme, more challenging  or just staying the course and working within what the sound is now to make it next level?
Challenging ourselves to become better at what we do is certainly something that keeps us going. We certainly will stay loud and hard with lots of fragile elements sprinkled in. But because we don’t set any boundaries for ourselves regarding musical genres, the journey could go anywhere.
11. Can a underground band in 2017 make this a career or are those days over unless you go more commerical. As bands like Carcass, Slayer , Napalm Death , Voivod, Devin Townsend have proved you can do this and not be a commercial success on a major level.
I think there’s always the possibility of hitting a nerve and having your album or band take off to the next level. A good example for this is the amazing impact a band from Basel, Zeal and Ardor, have had on the musical world lately. Coming out of virtually nowhere with only a song or two actually available, the music got into the right channels and took off. Now they are playing gigs all over the place including big festivals in the US.
So to answer your question :Yes. It still is possible.
12. Do the members of Palmer work in other project as well tell us about them or is this the Focus for all members of the band?
The main focus of all band members is currently PALMER, no doubt. The last two years have been very challenging and were filled with a lot of hard work.
Nevertheless some of us do have Projects running alongside: Ueli plays in other bands as well, ranging from Mambo to Electronic and classical Jazz. Jan has an acoustic Project he takes up once in a while and Steve works with other bands on a sporadic basis.
13. Switzerland is a home form some really impressive bands Triptikon, Celtic Frost, Coroner, Samael and Darkspace to name a few. What make the bands have such unique sounds from such a small nation is it that you have no true national language and German, French, Italian are all spoken there ?
Switzerland is all about minorities I guess. Lot’s of people from different cultures mingle here. That certainly is one explanation for not only the great bands but also the great diversity of musical genres that we have.
14. You have a very nice website  http://www.palmernoise.com/ tell us a bit about it?
Thank You! The design of the website is based on the album artwork for ‘Surrounding The Void’ by Philipp Thöni. The website is another artistic form to express and visualize the ideas and themes of our music. And of course it serves as the main source of information on PALMER. The website was created and is maintained by the band. It is just one of many things that we do ourselves besides playing and writing music. A homogenous overall impression and appearance of all of our creative output is very important to us.
15. Any closing thoughts please place here and thank you again for the time?
Thanks for the interview! It was a pleasure.

No Clean Singing

Review – Misery Video Clip


“There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery”.

Those words, written by Dante Alighieri in The Divine Comedy almost 700 years ago, begin the video that you’re about to see. Powerful words, and profoundly true. There’s also tremendous power in this video, and in the song for which it was so beautifully made.

“Misery” is the name of the song, and it comes from a new album named Surrounding the Void by the Swiss band Palmer, which will be released in a CD edition and digitally on February 24 by Czar of Crickets, with a vinyl LP coming on March 24.

The video (produced by Afrox Film) is one of the best I’ve seen in months, not only because it’s so beautifully conceived, so artfully filmed, and so engrossing to watch, but also because it meshes so well with the song.

“Misery” is heart-wrenching music. It achieves that soul-shredding effect through a blend of punishing heaviness and mesmerizing melody, alternately coiling the tension and releasing it, putting you in the crosshairs of a rumbling avalanche and then sending you aloft like desiccated leaves in a soft wind.

Much of the music’s agonizing force comes from the intensity of the vocals expressed by the shaggy man-mountain of a vocalist (Steve Diener) glimpsed through the shadows, and the video creates a visual contrast just as the music does, juxtaposing the grace and beauty of the aerialist Tina Weber.

P.S. If you like what you hear in this song, I’ve also included two lyric videos previously released for the album (and the second one is a 360° video, which I think you can explore through the YouTube app for your phone).

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Wonderbox Metal

Review – Surrounding The Void

Palmer are a post-metal band from Switzerland and this is their third album.

Palmer play contemporary heavy music that takes in elements of metal, sludge, progressive metal, post-metal and post-hardcore into its embrace. These influences manifest in various ways throughout the album, but no matter what Palmer are actually doing at any given time, they always do it very well.

If you take the base sound of a band like Knut and add a bit of Gojira, Minsk, Mastodon and Neurosis into the mix, then you’ll have a good idea of where Palmer are coming from.

Heavy and abrasive sounds form the bulk of the delivery, with more reflective introspection added for greater depth and variety where needed. I’m aware that this description paints far too simplistic a picture of the band’s music though. Each of the songs here has its own personality that’s well-fleshed out, and although you’re aware of their overall sound, you’re never 100% sure what’s coming up next when you listen to the album for the first time.

The band clearly don’t lack for imagination, creativity or ideas, and Surrounding the Void is full of good riffs and engaging song structures because of this. With a variety of moods, speeds and textures explored across the album’s nine tracks, Palmer’s latest release ticks a lot of boxes for an enjoyable, heavy music release.

The album reminds me of something that might have come out of the post-hardcore scene in the early 2000s. It’s got that feel of a band being innovative within their influences and producing music that has a lot to offer the listener.

Very highly recommended.

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Hooked On Music

Review – Surrounding The Void

Kay Markschies

Also eines muss man PALMER schon einmal vorab attestieren: Wenn es einen Grammy für Bandlogos geben würde, dann wären die Eidgenossen bei der Jury mit Sicherheit ganz ganz weit vorne.

Egal, wer das Logo kreiert hat (bitte mal das Cover wenden !), er hat hier mit viel künstlerischer Liebe gearbeitet.
Ähnlich viel Engagement legen PALMER auch in ihre Musik.

Zwar bedienen sich die Schweizer dabei traditioneller metallischer Elemente, die neun Songs auf dem neuen Album “Surrounding The Void” bieten darüber hinaus jedoch vielmehr stilistische Ausflüge, als man zunächst zu hoffen wagt.
Die harten Tracks, die ganz schlicht mit Bass, Schlagzeug und Gitarre instrumentiert sind, kommen mal dissonant in VOIVOD-Manier daher, mal knarzt man sich staubtrocken durch das Stoner Rock-Universum, um im nächsten Moment schon fast liebliche Indie-Töne anzustimmen oder leichte Prog-Avancen anzudeuten.
Und den Vogel schießen schließlich die beiden Instrumentals Artein und Implosion ab, die einen in abgespacte Soundwelten entführen.

Die einzige Konstante auf dem Album bilden die Vocals von Steve Diener, die zwar im ersten Moment ein wenig eindimensional erscheinen, aber einen sehr hohen Wiedererkennungswert besitzen.
Metal mit künstlerischer Tiefe, das trifft wohl am ehesten den Charakter von “Surrounding The Void”.

Selbst nach 16 Jahren Bandgeschichte gelingt den Schweizern erneut ein sehr durchdachtes und ganzvolles Album.

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The Burning Beard

Review – Surrounding The Void


Swiss band Palmer come to us with their third release Surrounding the Void, a swaying, emotive growler.  Twinkling chords, noodling guitars, and reverb-heavy atmospherics find themselves paired with sludgy riffs and strident vocals as Palmer deftly weave through both light and dark territories with equal parts skill and passion.
The album opens with a snarl of downtuned guitars and heavy drumwork, with occasional dissonant chords disturbing the flow, spiking the riffs with just a dash of pique.  The second track, “Misery”, takes things in a decidedly more affecting direction, redirecting the initial angry energy toward the mournful.  Another twist comes in “Artein”‘s soft, downplayed moodiness, featuring clean reverb and driving snares.  This is Surrounding the Void’s M.O.: overwhelm with heavy, solid songs, then relax and lift with atmosphere.  The two modes play well off each other—the heavy songs will please any fan of sludge while being nicely melodic, and the atmospheric interludes lend texture to an eminently approachable album.  Fear not, the heaviness is emotive without being saccharine.  Everything in its place.
Every note, every chord, every scream feels distinct and intentionally placed, at odds with Palmer’s self-ascribed ‘Swiss jazz’ influences.  My lack of familiarity with Swiss jazz may be showing here, but these structured songs do not evoke the improvisation that I typically associate with jazz.  If you squint really hard you can hear some of the jazz influences, primarily in the more free form songwriting of the middle portion of the album contrasted by the very tightly structured front and back (“Digital Individual” in particular features some jazz-like solo work) but by and large this is a post-metal release with clear nods to Isis and fellow Swiss group Knut.  Solid on all fronts, Surrounding the Void is not to be missed.

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